About Me

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I reside at the most Easterly point of England with my husband and two daughters and our cat. They are all incredibly supportive even if the crafting does take over the house from time to time. My favourite is cross-stitching which is closely followed by crochet although crocheting is a relatively new pastime!


Friday, 11 May 2018

Spooks, Sewing and Smiles.

Well, I have survived my first week in Blogland and I must say it has been fun discovering different blogs and meeting, (if that's the correct term?), some lovely people. Thank you all so much for the comments I have enjoyed reading them immensely and would like to apologise for not having the chance to reply. I've had a busy week this week but it hasn't stopped me from starting a new stitching project as well as achieving a page finish and picking up a whole new skill!

The new start is Spooky Countdown by The Primitive Hare.  Although the chart was first released in 2013 it is now being stitched as a stitch-a-long and has it's own group here and should finish around Halloween. I already have some catching up to do!


The second project for this week The Cheshire Cat by Mrs Peggotty's Arts - five pages finished and only thirteen pages to go. Every stitch of this has been thoroughly enjoyable so far but I'm a huge fan of her art and charts so I may be slightly bias!

I have always wanted to be able to use a sewing machine to create useful and pretty things and thanks to a lovely lady called Christina I finally can. Above is my first attempt at making a project folder/bag to keep my current stitches in one piece. It still needs a button and it isn't as straight as I would like but I am proud of it all the same. 


  1. You're making great progress on the Spooky Countdown. All I have to do is remember to post the relevant piece each week, having stitched it some time ago!
    Nice projects bags too. I have a few pieces of fabric that could be utilised!

  2. Great project bag! It will come in handy, I'm sure. I'll watch for your progress on these two cross stitch projects. How timely that the Spooky piece will finish around Halloween.

  3. You've been busy. Very nice project bag. I keep saying I'm going to pull the sewing machine out and make some but I never do. Wonderful progress on your Cheshire Cat

  4. Spooky Countdown is very neat. I will look forward to watching it grow. Congrats on the page finish. Major Congrats on the sewing machine job well done. I got into a fight with my sewing machine and haven't been back to it yet. I have so many things I want to sew too of course. I just can't seem to figure it out.
